Saturday 3 October 2015

Red Carpet Arrivals

In my post eulogising about the new Red Arrow coaches the other day, I mentioned the 'red carpet' marketing theme.  Sadly I'd forgotten to take a photograph of the way this theme is being applied to the coach rears.

Courtesy of Matt Harrison over at the superb TransportDesigned blog, here it is!

The 'red carpet' theme emerged as the result of a three hour brainstorming session at Best Impressions HQ in London back in August involving the trentbarton marketing team as well as the Best Impression team.

With a name like Red Arrow it's always tempting go for flying analogies, but our view was that we needed to emphasise the quality angle.  After all, research has shown that the brand is very well known among the target market, so it's not really a case of telling people what it is, as much as reminding them why they should use it.

The red carpet theme obviously draws analogies with VIP film premieres and such like, and opens up all sorts of film and theatre angles for future marketing projects.  Watch this space!

Or more specifically, this space...


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